Kaiut FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the Kaiut Method?
A quiet, deep, meditative style of yoga. Its main emphasis is to stimulate the joints, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. The sequences are designed for the practitioner to develop a skill within their nervous system so that they experience their natural state of pure being, peace and ease.
When you are new to the method, it may take a few classes until your body starts to understand this approach. It can feel a little weird and different from other forms of yoga, so give it two or three classes to settle in.
How does Kaiut work?
First we aim to calm the nervous system, then to stop the losses of mobility, and finally to regain some of our lost mobility. The shapes are simple and safe and are designed to reveal restrictions in the body so that they can be dissolved over time.
How quickly can I expect to see results?
The practice of Kaiut is a long game practice. While the results can sometimes be seen right away, we want to make sustainable progress over a long period of time.
When you are new, it may take a few classes until your body starts to understand this approach. It can feel a little weird and different from other forms of yoga.
Creating a consistent practice for yourself will yield the best benefits. It does not matter if that is once per week, twice per week or daily. What does matter is that you pick a target amount of practice that feels manageable to you and stick to it. You can always expand your practice as you are ready for more!
What PROPS do I need for class for an online class? (if in-person, props are available in the studio)
It is helpful to have a yoga mat but you can also use a towel or rug to practice on.
We will use a spot at the wall for some of our classes. This simply needs to be a place at the wall where you can lie on the floor and put your legs up the wall. Sometimes we will stand at the wall with hands on the wall, so if you have a clear space without artwork hanging on the wall, that would be ideal. You can also use a door as your wall space.
We will use a bolster or pillows or even a rolled up blanket or towel in our practice most days. The typical kaiut style bolster is about 8 inches in diameter and about 30 inches long, however we want to work with a variety of different pillows and cushions as we see what will work best for your body. So before you go out and buy a bolster, gather what you can from what you already have at home and we'll explore the variety and figure out what will work best for you.
We will often use a strap in our practice. Strapwork is an important component of many of our sequences. Your strap can be a typical yoga strap, a belt or dog leash or scarf. The material is not important but it should be 5-6 feet long or so.
Occasionally, we will use a block or two. This can be a typical yoga block made of foam or wood, or it can be a few books.
A Chair is also used as a prop. Look for a chair that you already have. The chair should NOT have wheels and it is nice if it does not have arms... maybe a folding chair or dining chair.
What else do I need for an online class?
You will need a device (phone, tablet or computer) with camera, microphone and wifi.
In a Kaiut class, the instructor rarely demonstrates but rather relies on verbal cueing to direct the students through the sequences. So it is more important that your teacher can see you on your mat than it is for you to see the teacher on the screen. Camera placement is a key in our ability to see and effectively cue for each individual in class.
For our live Yoga classes, if possible, place the camera about 6 feet away and at least 3 feet high off the floor, in a way that shows all of your mat and body as you move through the classes.
If possible, wear clothes that contrast with the color of your mat and that are not too dark or loose-fitting. It is also helpful if your top and bottom are contrasting colors. This will make it easier to observe you during practice.
The idea is for us to see your body in the clearest possible way. What we are able to see is extremely important as it informs cueing and teaching.
Wear clothes that allow you to move and that will keep you warm.
You need to be able to hear the teacher as they guide you through the classes so make sure your speaker is at a good volume. Your space should be well lit so that you can be seen.
Have all of your props within reach. See above for prop options.
All students will be muted after our check in time at the beginning of class.
When prompted as you sign on to Zoom, please grant permission for the host to unmute you so that we can easily communicate during class.
You are always welcome to unmute yourself when you have questions or need specific guidance.
If you have granted permission for the host to unmute you, then you need only wave at the camera and I will be able to unmute you without you having to leave your mat.
Here are some photos to help you with your set-up.
From Camera to Mat

From Mat to Camera

What do I need to do after class?
After class it is always helpful to take a soak in the tub with epsom salt if possible or to take a good long hot shower. The hot water will help the body to integrate the work and you will feel better. If not right after class, later in the day or before bed will be helpful.
Are there other Resources?
Check out our Yoga Practice Resource Video Library. You'll find some of our most commonly used shapes with modifications, suggestions for simple practices to begin with, some interesting videos about the Kaiut Method and demonstrations of how to work with our props.
More Questions?
Reach out by email.