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Meet Beth Molaro, holistic health practitioner

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.

If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

~Dalai Lama

Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner

Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Instructor

Reiki Master/Teacher

Kaiut Yoga Teacher

E-RYT 500, KYM 700, YACEP

Since 2003, Beth Molaro has specialized in Jin Shin Jyutsu, a body, mind and spirit approach using light touch to bring the body into harmony and balance. As a Holistic Heath Practitioner, Beth serves as assistant to her clients to gently clear and re-align the body’s energies. As the energy flows freely, the body will heal itself from everyday stress. Jin Shin Jyutsu induces relaxation and reduces the effects of stress, improves mental clarity and focus, detoxes the body, increases energy and gently balances the flow of life energy in the body. Benefits extend well beyond hands-on sessions with the practitioner, as clients are taught the application of self help geared toward their individual needs. 


Beth is an avid student of Universal Energy and loves to study various approaches to healing that enhance her understanding of the holistic, spiritual model. In addition to her ongoing study of Jin Shin Jyutsu Energy Healing and the Kaiut Yoga Method/Biomechanical Yoga, studies in Reiki, Energetic Cranial Sacral Rhythms, Soul Focused Esoteric Healing, Chakra Balancing, Clearing Ancestral Lines, and Meditation all help to inform Beth’s natural and unique healing strengths and enable her to empower individuals to take charge of their health and well-being.


Beth's background as visual artist, potter, dancer and avid gardener gives her a comprehensive understanding of how the human body is affected by use and abuse. She has reversed years of her own back stress with Jin Shin Jyutsu and twenty years after a partial thyroidectomy, she maintains balanced thyroid function not with medication but with Jin Shin Jyutsu!


Beth’s yoga journey began as a small child when she, for some unknown reason, began taking yoga books out of the library trying to teach herself yoga as a 10 year old. Upon moving to Asheville in 1996, she began to practice Iyengar style yoga until she discovered the Kaiut Yoga Method in 2018. Since then, Kaiut has become her primary yoga focus.


After Beth’s first Kaiut Yoga class, she was completely sold on the value of this method.  Researching just what was this Kaiut Yoga thing, lead her to stories of older students who had been practicing Kaiut Yoga for 20 years and now in their eighties were only aware of their own aging when they looked in the mirror! Beth has completed 400 hours of Kaiut Yoga Method Teacher Training with Francisco Kaiut and is an internationally certified teacher. She has also completed the 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher Training through Yoga and Ayurveda Center and a 300 hour Registered Yoga Teacher Training through Bhakti Yogshala.


Beth currently teaches Kaiut Yoga online  at Spiral Way and in-person at Alchemy Yoga and Reiki.Her healing work is devoted to helping clients  and students learn how to bring their bodies back to balance through regular treatments and personalized self-help routines to practice at home. Beth's goal is to help people balance and energize body, mind and spirit, and erase pain and stress so that they can heal and dramatically improve their quality of life.

Beth's  Energy Healing and Yoga Studies


  • 360 Hour Kaiut Yoga Method Teacher Training International Certification w/Francisco Kaiut

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu 5 Day Seminar w/Sara Harper Asheville, NC

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion Certification w/Adele Leas 



  • Jin Shin Jyutsu 5 Day Seminar w/Kelly Mount, Asheville, NC

  • Yoga for Osteoporosis w/Jeff Bailey Avita Yoga

  • Let it Go Yoga w/Jim and SueAnn Parsons

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu - Fascia, Nervous System, Endocrine System w/Anita Willoughby

  • Yin Yoga - A Functional Approach w/Paul Grilley

  • Carving Your Aging Success Path w/Yoga U Online



  • Kaiut Yoga Continuing Education Workshop: Working with Equipment w/Francisco Kaiut

  • Kaiut Yoga Continuing Education Workshop: Working with Pregnancy w/Francisco Kaiut

  • The Eight Limbs of Yoga w/Tucker Shelton, Tucker Yoga

  • Somatic Awareness  Techniques w/Judyth Weaver, YogaU Online

  • Philosophy of Yoga w/Tucker Shelton, Tucker Yoga

  • Power in the Pits w/ Suzi Hately, Functional Synergy

  • Yoga U - Intro to Wellness Teaching: Posture Improvement, Body Reading & Assessment

  • Yoga for Auto-Immune Training w/Christian Leeby

  • Introduction to Alexander Technique w/Ann Rodiger, Balance Art Center

  • Ongoing studies in Yoga Mais w/Cris Sprengel, Yoga Mais Online

  • History of Yoga w/Tucker Shelton, Tucker Yoga

  • 300 Hour Kaiut Yoga Method Teacher Training International Certification w/Francisco Kaiut



  • 3 Day Yoga Mais Online Teacher Training Weekend w/Cris Sprengel, Yoga Mais

  • Foot and Hand Therapeutics Workshop w/Tucker Shelton, Asheville Yoga Center

  • Mind and Mend Your Hips w/Ann Rodiger, Balance Art Center, NYC

  • Yoga Mais Strap Workshop w/Cris Sprengel, Yoga Mais Online

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu Creating Out of Chaos w/Anita Willoughby, JSJ online training



  • 3 Day Kaiut CE: Inversions w/Francisco Kaiut, Boulder CO

  • 3 Day Kaiut Online Weekend Immersion w/Francisco Kaiut, Tibet House, NYC

  • Completed 200RYT Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga and Ayurveda Center, PA

  • Certified Chair Yoga Instructor Training, Yoga and Ayurveda Center, PA 

  • Certified Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga and Ayurveda Center, PA

  • Certified Restorative Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga and Ayurveda Center, PA 

  • 4 Day Living the Method Continuing Education, Kaiut Yoga Online School 

  • Fascia: Function, Physiology, and Application w/Jill Miller, Yoga International

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu Clues for Healthy Joints w/Iole Lebensztajn, JSJ online training

  • Completed 300RYT Yoga Teacher Training, Bhakti Yogshala, Rishikesh

  • The Hip Breakdown: Understand and Apply the Mechanics of the Hip Joint w/Keri Bergeron through Yoga Alliance Continuing Education

  • Avita Yoga Intro to Teacher Training Weekend w/Jeff Bailey, Avita Yoga, Bolder CO



  • Kaiut Yoga Method Teacher Training - The Concept with Francisco Kaiut, Telluride, CO

  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Cynthia Broshi - Asheville, NC 

  • 3 Day Kaiut CE: Standing Poses w/Francisco Kaiut, Boulder CO



  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Ian Harris - Asheville, NC 



  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Susan Schwartz - Asheville, NC 

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion w/Adele Leas - Asheville, NC 

  • Advanced Energy Healing w/Daisy Marquis - Shanti School, Asheville, NC ​​​​



  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Wayne Hackett - Asheville, NC 

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion w/Adele Leas - Asheville, NC 

  • Advanced Energy Healing w/Daisy Marquis -Shanti School - Asheville, NC



  • Tara Energy Healing Mastery Program w/Daisy Marquis - Shanti School, Asheville, NC 

  • Polarity Balancing w/Melissa Austin - Sunshine Institute, Asheville, NC

  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Anita Willoughby - Asheville, NC 

  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Wayne Hackett - Nashville, TN 

  • 5 Day Jin Shin Jyutsu Kato Text Training w/Sadaki Kato - Asheville, NC â€‹



  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Jed Schwartz - Asheville, NC

  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Philomena Dooley - Louisville, KY

  • Living the Art-JSJ Self Help Instructor Training w/Sara Harper - Asheville, NC 

  • Tara Energy Healing Mastery Program w/Daisy Marquis - Shanti School, Asheville, NC 



  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Lynne Pflueger - Asheville, NC

  • JSJ Special Topic Class: Listening to Pulses through the Diagonal Mediator w/Anita Willoughby - Asheville, NC â€‹



  • Adv Energy Healing (Reiki III/Master, Ancestral Clearing, Soul Focused Healing I, Akashic Records, CranialSacralRhythm Energy Healing) w/Daisy Marquis - Shanti School, Asheville, NC

  • Shanti Mastery Program w/Daisy Marquis - Shanti School, Asheville, NC 

  • Soul Focused Healing II w/Deborah Mills and Daisy Marquis - Shanti School, Asheville, NC 



  • Cranio-Sacral Therapy as Energy Healing w/Daisy Marquis - Shanti School, Asheville, NC

  • Crystalign Energy Healing Method w/Dr. Jennifer Harris, DC - Akasha Body Basics, Asheville, NC

  • JSJ Special Topic Class: Special Body Function Flows w/Susan Schwartz - Tusculum College, Greeneville, TN



  • Chakras and Child Development w/Deborah Mills -Woman’s Wellness & Education Center, Asheville, NC

  • Cranial Sacral Therapy w/Phyllis Valez - Asheville Massage & Yoga School, Asheville, NC

  • Energy Healing I (Reiki I, Intro to Chakras, Polarity, and SFH) w/Daisy Marquis - Shanti School, Asheville, NC

  • Usui Reiki I w/Deb and Gary Lloyd - West Asheville Massage & Healing Arts, Asheville, NC

  • Energy Healing II (Reiki II, Soul Focused Healing I) w/Daisy Marquis - Shanti School, Asheville, NC

  • Usui Reiki II w/Deb Lloyd - West Asheville Massage & Healing Arts, Asheville, NC



  • JSJ Special Topic Class: Main Central and the Endocrine System w/Jill Holden - Louisville, KY



  • JSJ Special Topic Class: Jin Shin Jyutsu and the Kabbalah w/Anita Willoughby - Louisville, KY



  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Susan Schwartz - Montreat, NC



  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Brigitta Meinhart - Montreat, NC

  • JSJ Special Topic Class: Drawing the 12 organ Flows w/Jed Schwartz - Croton, MD



  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Muriel Carlson - Montreat, NC 

  • JSJ Special Topic Class: Pulse and Body Reading w/Natalie Max - Princeton, NJ



  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Susan Schwartz - Montreat, NC 

  • Living the Art-JSJ Self Help Instructor Training w/Sara Harper - Louisville, KY



  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Anita Willoughby - Montreat, NC 

  • 5 Day Basic Jin Shin Jyutsu Seminar w/Anita Willoughby - State College, PA 


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