Kaiut Yoga Method

Yoga for Every Body – Yoga for Longevity
You can act your age or not, but you don't have to feel your age!
We work with the help of gravity and the floor to access the blockages and restrictions that keep us from moving with ease.
This is an inclusive, functional approach, using simple shapes to create a format of yoga that is accessible to all bodies and to deliver consistent long-term healing results.
It has been designed to work through chronic pain and injuries, general aches and stiffness, and to work for the inflexible, hyper flexible and the aging body.
This practice is a tool that builds freedom in the body and mind, extends life and establishes a more relaxed, balanced approach to everyday life. (Beginner Friendly)

The Kaiut Yoga Method is a biomechanical yoga practice developed by Brazilian yogi and chiropractor, Francisco Kaiut, to serve the modern body and modern mind.
Our lifestyle adversely affects the biomechanics of the body which creates stress to the nervous system, impairs brain function and mobility. The Kaiut Yoga Method works from the joints to keep us functioning as freely and efficiently as possible for as long as possible.
The practice is composed of restful, supported Yin postures combined with finely directed micro engagements that together trigger pain relief, improve mobility, unwind chronic adhesions in the connective tissue and help to strengthen and unlock the major joints of the body. We work with the help of gravity and the floor to access the blockages and restrictions that keep us from moving with ease.
The method aims to deliver consistent long-term healing results. It has been designed to work through chronic pain and injuries, general aches and stiffness, and to work for the inflexible, hyper flexible and the aging body.
This practice is a tool that builds freedom in the body and mind, extends life and establishes a more relaxed, balanced approach to everyday life.